If you meant "How many times does three go into seventy-two?", then
72/3 = 24
Three goes into seventy-two 24 times.
If you meant "How many times does seventy-two go into three?", then
3/72 = 0.41666...
72 goes into 3, 0.41666... times.
Two goes into seventy two thirty six times.
nine times.
Three hundred two thousand, seventy-three.
Two hundred seventy-three thousand, two hundred seventy-three.
two hundred seventy-three thousand two hundred seventy-three
72 x 3 = 216 seventy-two times by three equals two hundred and sixteen
Two goes into seventy two thirty six times.
nine times.
2 times
Three hundred two thousand, seventy-three.
The number 273 is "two hundred seventy three" (often rendered "two hundred and seventy three").As a year, or street address, it would be "two seventy-three."
Two hundred seventy-three thousand two hundred seventy-three.
Two hundred seventy-three thousand, two hundred seventy-three
Two hundred seventy-three thousand, two hundred seventy-three.
two hundred seventy-three thousand two hundred seventy-three
seventy three and two hundred seventy three thousanndsths
Seventy-two hours is three days. Three weeks is 21 days. 21 + 3 = 24 There are twenty-four (24) days in three weeks and seventy-two hours.