Moonrise occurs about 57 times every 59 days, so on most days there is one moonrise, but about once a month there is a day without a moonrise (the moon rises a little before midnight of the previous day and a little after midnight of the following day).
About 40.7% of that on Earth or about 2.46 times slower.
The word "moon" is in the King James Version of The Bible 51 times. It is in 51 verses.
About 10,000 mph. The moon is roughly 240,000 miles away.
1/24th of the radius of the earth Ignoring the small effect of the orbital motion of the moon itself, and considering only the effect of the earth's daily rotation of 360 degrees in 24 hours, the moon apparently does about 360 degrees/24hours, or 15 degrees per hour. The moon's angular diameter is close to half a degree so the distance travelled in 1 hour is about 30 times its diameter. The moon in its orbit goes around the earth in about 30 days, that's about 1/2 degree per hour, about 1 diameter, so about 29 times its diameter per hour across the sky is probably closer.
The word "moon" is in the King James Version of the Bible 51 times. It is in 51 verses.
The Moon rotates one time in about 27 days.
about once. The moon rotates roughly once in that period, as it completes one orbit about the Earth. This keeps the same side facing the Earth at all times.
The time period between Full Moon and Third Quarter is usually 7 or 8 days, depending on the actual Full Moon and Third Quarter times.
The Moon revolves around the Earth at an average speed of about 3,683 kilometers per hour (2,288 miles per hour). It takes approximately 27.3 days for the Moon to complete one revolution around the Earth.
About 40.7% of that on Earth or about 2.46 times slower.
Earth has about 50 times the volume of the Moon (and 81 times the mass of the Moon).
The longer you watch it, the more times you would see. Over a substantial period of time, the moon orbits the sun exactly as often as the Earth does ... once every 365.25 days (once a year).
The Moon takes about 28 1/2 days to go once around the Earth (that's the sidereal period). Perhaps you can work it out from there.
I am sorry, but the moon does not "revolve around the moon".
49 times
Six times
The moon orbits around the Earth approximately once every 27.3 days. This period is known as a synodic month or lunar month.