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Moonrise occurs about 57 times every 59 days, so on most days there is one moonrise, but about once a month there is a day without a moonrise (the moon rises a little before midnight of the previous day and a little after midnight of the following day).

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Q: How many times does the moon rise in a 24 hour period?
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How many times does the moon rotate in a twenty four hour period?

The Moon rotates one time in about 27 days.

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The time period between Full Moon and Third Quarter is usually 7 or 8 days, depending on the actual Full Moon and Third Quarter times.

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About 40.7% of that on Earth or about 2.46 times slower.

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The longer you watch it, the more times you would see. Over a substantial period of time, the moon orbits the sun exactly as often as the Earth does ... once every 365.25 days (once a year).

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I am sorry, but the moon does not "revolve around the moon".

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