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Eleven (11) times, counting the one at Noon.

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Q: How many times during a 12 hour period from noon to 1159 does the minute hand point exactly the same direction as the hour hand?
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How many times are the second minute and hour hand in the exact same place?

Disregarding the second hand (for a few seconds), the hour and minute hands overlap (point in the same direction) 22 times in a 24 hour period. It happens once after every hour except the 12 o'clock hour. After 12 o'clock, the next occurance is after 1 o'clock. The fractions of a minute required for these overlaps do not always coincide with the number of seconds that the second hand would have to register in order for the second hand to 'join' the hour and minute hands. The only times that all three hands are perfectly overlapping (pointing in the same direction) is at 12 midnight and 12 noon. So the second minute and hour hands are in the exact same place only twice during every 24 hour period. The hour and minute hands join each other every 65.454545 minutes, or 32.727272 degrees. The minute hand advances 163.636363 degrees each time the hour and minute hands overlap.

Is hour singular or plural?

The noun "hour" is a singular noun, a word for one60 minute period of time.The plural noun is "hours" a word for two or more 60 minute period of time.

There are 30 students in ms keusch's homeroom of the students 40 percent are boys What percent of the students are girls?

if there are a total of 150 students in a classroom of these students 30% eat during the first lunch priod, 20% eat during the second lunch period, and the rest eat during the third lunch period. how many of her students eat during each lunch period? Is this a question or an answer? 45 eat during the first lunch period, 30 during the second lunch period and 75 during the third lunch period.

How long after a light short period should you test for pregnancy?

you can test during the period, or anytime afterward if you are concerned that you were pregnant during the light period. ~pawsalmighty

How many times does a 32 inch pendulum swing in one minute?

Period ( left swing + right swing) of a simple pendulum = 2*pi * sqrt (L/g) in seconds. g = 32.2 feet per second2 L = 32 inches = 2.66667 feet Period = 2*pi * sqrt ( 2.66667ft/32.2) = 2*pi * 0.287777 = 1.808158 seconds for one period (two swings). Periods in one minute = 60 sec / 1.808158 sec = 33.183 periods in one minute. Times 2 = 66.366 swings in one minute.

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How many times are the second minute and hour hand in the exact same place?

Disregarding the second hand (for a few seconds), the hour and minute hands overlap (point in the same direction) 22 times in a 24 hour period. It happens once after every hour except the 12 o'clock hour. After 12 o'clock, the next occurance is after 1 o'clock. The fractions of a minute required for these overlaps do not always coincide with the number of seconds that the second hand would have to register in order for the second hand to 'join' the hour and minute hands. The only times that all three hands are perfectly overlapping (pointing in the same direction) is at 12 midnight and 12 noon. So the second minute and hour hands are in the exact same place only twice during every 24 hour period. The hour and minute hands join each other every 65.454545 minutes, or 32.727272 degrees. The minute hand advances 163.636363 degrees each time the hour and minute hands overlap.

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when there was one minute remaining in the period. not before. not after.

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