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Q: How many times human breathes in 24 hours?
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How many breathes do you take in 1 hour?

500 times

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How many times does a person breathe when one is resting?

On average, a person at rest breathes around 12-20 times per minute. This equates to approximately 17,000-30,000 breaths per day.

How many times do you breath?

The average person breathes 325,000,000,000 times in their lifetime.

How many times does a human move in its sleep?

depends on the amount of time slept, however for eight hours about 200 times moving.

How many breathes does a human take a minute?

The average human will take on average 12-20 breathes per min. I once was hospitalized when my BPM dropped to 8 BPM in which I was apparently dying! however i did not and was treated for overdose with the ugly drug narcan (naloxone).

How many breathes should a canine have?

how many breathes per minute is a canine suppose to have

How many times a baby will breathe one min?

a baby breathes about 20-30 min in 1 min

How many times a human breathe in a day?

An average human breathes some 10 times per minute, 600 times per hour, or 14,400 times per day and 5,256,000 per year. If we assume that each breath contains one liter of air, then simply human inhales some 14,400 liters of per day. Air is composed of about 16% oxygen, of which about half is exchanged for carbon dioxide during each breath. Then this means an average exhalation of some 14,400 x 8% = 1150 liters of carbon dioxide per person per day.

How many hours of sleep does a cricketer need?

they're human aren't they? so wouldn't the answer be how many hours of sleep does a human need? and the answer is about 8 hours.

How many times an adult breathes in one min?

normal is about 10-20 breaths per minute. If faster or slower, see a doctor

The human egg is prime for how many hours?

The human egg is typically prime for fertilization for about 12-24 hours after ovulation.