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Q: How many times in 19 years have you orbited the sun?
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How many times does the earth orbit round the sun?

Earth orbited the sun about ...... times a year!

How many times has the sun orbited the center of your galaxy?

Approximately 20 times. See related link and question

How many times has the solar system orbited the center of the Galaxy since the Sun and the planets were formed?

At about 225,000 years per revolution, that would work out to about 20 times - give or take.

How many times has the sun circled the Milky Way?

The sun has orbited the center of the Milky Way galaxy approximately 20-25 times in its lifetime, which is estimated to be around 4.6 billion years.

Since 1776 Venus has orbited the sun how many times?

The difference between 2009 and 1776 is 233 years or 85,101 days.Venus takes 224.7 days to rotate around the Sun.Therefore it has done about 379 orbits.

How many times has mars orbited the sun since 1776?

"if i did the math correctly, it should be about 55 times. it orbits the sun once every 88 days." It orbits the sun every 87.9 earth days. So that would be 365 / 87.9 days = 4.15 times every earth year. 2011 - 1776 = 235 earth years 235 x 4.15 = 975 orbits around the sun since 1776 Or is simple math, too simple for astronomy?

Who discovered that planets orbit the sun?

The idea that planets orbited the Sun had been thought of many times before, but it was not until the 17th century that this idea was actually supported by evidence from the first telescopic observations of Galileo Galilei.

How luminous is alnitak?

Alnitak is a very interesting star, because it is not one, but three stars. The main star, Alnitak Aa, with a luminosity 100000 times that of the Sun is orbited at 11 Astronomical Units (roughly the distance at which Saturn orbits the Sun) by Alnitak Ab, with a luminosity of 20000 times that of the Sun. This binary star system is orbited at 680 AUs (roughly the distance of the inner Ort Cloud from the Sun) by Alnitak B, whose luminosity is roughly 10000 times that of the Sun.

What Aristotle's beliefs about the sun?

He believed the sun orbited around the Earth.

Who was the first to believe that all planets except Earth orbit the sun?

The first person to propose that all planets except Earth orbit the sun was the ancient Greek astronomer Aristarchus of Samos in the 3rd century BCE. He suggested a heliocentric model of the solar system, with the sun at the center and the Earth and other planets revolving around it.

How many times can earth orbit the sun in 100 years?

Earth orbits the sun approximately once every 365.25 days. In 100 years, Earth would orbit the sun approximately 100 times.

How many years does Neptune take to orbit the sun twelve times?

Approx 1980 years.