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Q: How many times is a beam of light refracted when it passes through a triangular prism?
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When is light not refracted?

Light is not refracted when while it passes through a vacuum, or through any uniform material.

Light is refracted by?

when it passes through a new material

What kind of light is the bending of a ray of light when it passes through something?

Refracted light

Why is a rainbow sometimes seen when light passes through raindrops or prisms?

The light is refracted

When light passes through a lens what of the light is refracted?

When light passes through a lens, both the parallel rays of light and the converging or diverging rays of light are refracted. The refraction causes the light rays to converge or diverge, which helps in focusing the image on the retina.

Is the red light reflected or refracted through a prism?

The red light is refracted as it passes through a prism. The different colors of light are refracted at slightly different angles due to their differing wavelengths, causing them to separate and create a rainbow effect.

Light is refracted when it passes?


When light passes through an object what happens to the light?

When light passes through an object, it can be absorbed, transmitted, reflected, or refracted. The specific behavior of the light depends on the properties of the object, such as its transparency, opacity, and refractive index.

When is light refracted?

Light is refracted when it passes from one medium to another with a different optical density, such as from air to water or from air to glass. This phenomenon causes the light to change direction as it enters the new medium due to a change in its speed.

What happeneds when light passes through a prism?

When light passes through a prism, it is refracted slightly and separated into seven individual beams of coloured light - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

Which light is deviated most and which light deviated least when a ray of white light passes through a prism?

Violet light is deviated most and red light is deviated least when white light passes through a prism. This is because violet light has a shorter wavelength, leading to a greater bending of the light ray compared to the longer wavelength red light.

The splitting of white light into colors as it passes through a triangular prism?
