That depends on the period of the clock's pendulum. If we assume it's one second, then it does 1800 cycles in half an hour.
3600 times.
180 degrees. The hands are a straight line. Or, to be technical, you divide the clock face (360 degrees) by the number of minutes there are in half a day (clocks only record half a day: AM or PM), which is 360/12*60, so each minute is half a degree. There are 360 minutes between the twelve and the six on a clock. Half of 360 is 180. This only works for times ON THE HOUR, otherwise, the hour hand moves for every minute of time passing.
The answer is equal to the sum of these numbers (not counting the midnight of the next day):12 (midnight) +1+2+3...+11+12 (noon) + 1... +10 + 11The sum of all the numbers 1 through 12 is 78. Since there are two 1-12 cycles in a day (midnight to 11 AM, then noon to 11 PM), the answer is 156 strikes in one day.
9:59, 10:01
Once per Minute -or- 60 times per hour 60x24 1440 Times a day (Also how many minutes that are in a day)
It really depends on the clock. In general, a longer pendulum takes longer to go back and forth.
Hi i am in grade 6 and i am cute and kissible the times are water clock sindial pendulum clock clepsydra mechanical clocks
No. It will run 2.45 times as SLOW.
As the length of the string (or armature) of the pendulum increases the rotational speed of the pendulum decreases proportionately if the velocity of the weight remains the same. Example: a pendulum operating a clock is rotating too fast. The clock is running fast as a result. by sliding the pendulum weight out away from the fulcrum (lengthening the armature in effect) the pendulum slows and corrects the time keeping accuracy of the clock. * note: Metronomes operate using this principle as well.
No. Work is force times displacement. Even though the pendulum moves, it has zero displacement in the direction of the force imparted by the string.
The concept of a pendulum has been known since ancient times. However, the modern pendulum clock was invented by Dutch scientist Christiaan Huygens in 1656. He discovered that a weight on a string would swing back and forth with a constant period, making it ideal for timekeeping.
3600 times.
If we define a day as 24 hours, the minute hand moves around the clock face once an hour. 24 times.
180 degrees. The hands are a straight line. Or, to be technical, you divide the clock face (360 degrees) by the number of minutes there are in half a day (clocks only record half a day: AM or PM), which is 360/12*60, so each minute is half a degree. There are 360 minutes between the twelve and the six on a clock. Half of 360 is 180. This only works for times ON THE HOUR, otherwise, the hour hand moves for every minute of time passing.
No - the minute hand rotates 24 times in 24 hours !
The answer is equal to the sum of these numbers (not counting the midnight of the next day):12 (midnight) +1+2+3...+11+12 (noon) + 1... +10 + 11The sum of all the numbers 1 through 12 is 78. Since there are two 1-12 cycles in a day (midnight to 11 AM, then noon to 11 PM), the answer is 156 strikes in one day.
9:59, 10:01