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It really depends on the clock. In general, a longer pendulum takes longer to go back and forth.

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Q: How many times does a pendulum of a clock strike in an hour?
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How many times the pendulum of the clock moves in 30 minutes?

That depends on the period of the clock's pendulum. If we assume it's one second, then it does 1800 cycles in half an hour.

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How do you get the chime on your wall clock to match the time?

Simple. You note the number of chimes at the last strike. Then, stop the clock and move the hour hand manually to the hour matching the last strike. The you restart the clock and all should be fine.

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When clock strikes 13 what time is it?

The conventional clock cannot strike 13, but if you mean 24 hour, when it gets to 13:00, this is 1pm in 12 hour.

What makes a swinging clock swing?

A swinging clock swings due to the force of gravity acting on the pendulum. When the pendulum is released, gravity pulls it downward, creating momentum that causes it to swing back and forth. The swinging motion continues due to the conservation of energy, with the pendulum converting potential energy at the top of each swing to kinetic energy as it moves.

Has big ben ever struck 13 times?

No, Big Ben, the bell inside the clock tower of the Palace of Westminster in London, does not strike 13 times. Its chimes are set to strike the number of times corresponding to the hour, from 1 to 12.

How many times does the hour hand go around in a 24 hour period?

On a clock the hour hand makes two full rotations. Which means it goes around the clock two times.

How many times a day broken clock correct?

A broken clock is correct twice a day. This is because a clock with hands that are stuck will still display the correct time at least twice a day when the hour and minute hands align with the correct time.

The clock Big Ben strikes 4 notes quarterhour 8 notes halfhour 12 notes on the threequarter hour n 16 notes hour followed by striking the hour How many notes n gongs does it strike in a week?

156 times a week.

How many times does the hour hand move around the clock face in one day?

Twice if the clock is a 12 hour clock. Once if it is a 24 hour variant.