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It contains 5 triangles

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Q: How many triangle does a 7 -sides polygon contain?
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Related questions

What polygon has twice as many sides as another polygon but have fewer than 8 sides?

A hexagon and a triangle.

How many diagonals does a polygon with 3 sides have?

That polygon is called a "triangle". It has no diagonals.

How do you find how many sides a polygon would have with only an angle?

If the only information that you have is the angle and the shape is a polygon, then you cannot determine how many sides the polygon consists of. The minimum number of sides is 3, but without seeing a picture, or knowing what type of polygon (e.g. right triangle or equalaterial triangle), then you won't be able to determine how many sides the polygon has.

How many sides does a regular polygon have if the measure of an angle is 160?

No regular polygon has 160. The "smallest" polygon is the triangle, which has 180o. ^^FALSE!!!!!!! this polygon has 18 sides!

How many sides has the polygon if regular polygon is 180 degrees?

A regular polygon that has 180 degrees is an equilateral triangle.

You are a polygon with twice as many sides as a triangle all of your sides are the same length what are you?

a hexagon

If the sum of the interior angles of a polygon is 180 the polygon has how many sides?

3, it's a triangle.

What is a polygon that has twice as many sides as another polygon that has fewer than 8 sides?

a hexagon ( triangle has 3 and a hexagon has 6)

How many sides for a triangle?

3. A triangle is the simplest possible polygon and is a three sided figure.

What is a polygon with twice as many sides as a triangle and all your sides are the same length. what are you?

A regular hexagon

What is a figure with twice as many sides as a triangle?

A figure with twice as many sides as a triangle is a hexagon. A triangle has 3 sides, so double that would be 6 sides. A hexagon is a polygon with 6 sides and 6 angles. It is a regular polygon with all sides and angles congruent.

How many sides does a regular polygon have?

The number of sides a polygon has depends on the polygon. A triangle has three sides (tri=3). A rectangle (quadrilateral) has four sides (quad=4). A regular polygon can have any greater number of sides, without limit.