no i thought they were triangles
Have you asked the fighters in the Octagon or the Pentagon? Or did someone put a "Hex" on your thinking stop sign? Best I can tell, all regular polygons have the same number of sides and interior angles
Your front bumper should be on or just behind the 24" white painted stop bar on the ground. If the stop bar is missing, stop the front bumper at the location of the sign.
this is usually a £50 fine and 3 points on your licence.
no i thought they were triangles
how mant feet from the stop sign ahould you stop
signs? or sides. If your question is how many sides does a stop sign have than the answer is 8. its a octagon
A stop sign has 5 more corners than a yield sign. stop sign-8 corners yield sign-3 corners 8-3=5
a stop sign has 5 more corners than a yield sisn
In the US a stop sign has 8 sides Yes a stop sign has a octagonal shape, meaning eight sides. It also has a front and back making 10 sides
8 Sides on a Stop Signsides on a stop sign
3 points
How many motorcycles are allowed to go through a stop sign at once when there are other vehicles at the opposing signs.