It is number of sides minus 2
One star has five triangles on the sides, and about three in the middle, if enough lines are drawn.
An infinite number. Having drawn a triangle, it can be converted into two triangles by simply adding a line from any vertex to any point on the opposite side. That increases the number of triangles by one. Repeat with another triangle. And again ...
110.Improved Answer:-It is 4
An n-gon has n sides.Incidentally, it is not called a n-agon.
There are 15 triangles in a 17-agon
18 triangles can be found in a 20-agon
It is number of sides minus 2
how many triangles are formed when any parallelogram and it diagonals are drawn
If all of the diagonals are drawn from a vertex of an octagon, how many triangles are formed
5 triangles are formed.
There are 16 possible triangles.
A ten-sided geometric figure could have ten triangles drawn inside it, if you connect the vertexes. 8 triangles
The least number of obtuse triangles, if all possible triangles are drawn for n points in a plane, is zero. If all the n points lie in a straight line, no triangles are possible and so no obtuse triangles are able to be drawn; thus for any number n, there is a possibility that no obtuse triangles can be drawn, so the least possible number of obtuse triangles drawn is zero.
One star has five triangles on the sides, and about three in the middle, if enough lines are drawn.