There are 16 possible triangles.
isosceles triangle
because all triangles can be drawn with a compass
If all of the diagonals are drawn from a vertex of an octagon, how many triangles are formed
It consists of 98 triangles and has 4850 diagonals
If you are talking about straight lines, the answer is NONE, because that is what noncollinear means. If curves are allowed, then the answer is infinitely many.
just one
The least number of obtuse triangles, if all possible triangles are drawn for n points in a plane, is zero. If all the n points lie in a straight line, no triangles are possible and so no obtuse triangles are able to be drawn; thus for any number n, there is a possibility that no obtuse triangles can be drawn, so the least possible number of obtuse triangles drawn is zero.
Yes a plane can always be drawn three any three points, whether they are linear or not.
There are 16 possible triangles.
Only one plane can pass through 3 non-collinear points.
No, A plane can be drawn through any 3 points. If the 3 points are collinear then they make a line and a plane can contain a line. If the points are noncollinear then they can be used to form the corners of a triangle; all points of a triangle are in the same plane.
A straight line segment can be drawn joining any two points.
isosceles triangle
The line joining the feet of the perpendiculars drawn from all the points of the line onto a preselected plane.