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These Asian vermins have become white, black, yellow, and all species that they can replicate and so are the insects that are part of bacteria's retinue.

The above answer was racist, meh idk.

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Q: How many types of bacteria live on earth?
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What living thing does not need oxygen to live?

Anaerobic bacteria are living things that do not require oxygen to survive. These organisms can produce energy through other metabolic processes that do not involve oxygen, such as fermentation or using alternative electron acceptors.

What is bacteria a omnivore?

yes no maybe sobacteria is a decomposerbirch age nineNo, some bacteria are producers (e.g. cyanobacteria), some bacteria are decomposers, some bacteria cause diseases, etc.

What bacteria live and get nourishment inside your intestines?

There are many different types of bacteria that live in the human intestines, known as gut microbiota. Some common types include Bacteroides, Firmicutes, and Actinobacteria. These bacteria help with digestion, nutrient absorption, and even contribute to overall gut health and immune function.

How many types of bacteria are in the world?

there is 7 types i think

How many spieces of bacteria are there?

It is estimated that there are around 5,000 to 10,000 known species of bacteria. However, the actual number could be much higher as many bacteria species have yet to be discovered and classified.

What bacteria grows in a tomato can?

There are many types of bacteria in soy sauce, there is bacteria in everythingone of them is Lactobaccillus.

What organisms live in the coral reef?

Bacteria, many microorganisms, many species of fish, sponges, types of coral. Google may provide more specifics

How many differant types of animal live on earth?

They estimate about 1,250,000 different species of animals

On he basis of nutrition how many types of bacteria are there?

There are three main types of bacteria based on nutrition: heterotrophic bacteria obtain nutrients from organic compounds, autotrophic bacteria can manufacture their own food using inorganic compounds, and saprophytic bacteria obtain nutrients from decaying organic matter.

Does the study of bacteria fall under earth science?

Normally this would come under biology, However many bacteria are involved in geological processes (e.g. stromatolites) and it has been found that bacteria live deep down in the rocks of the planet. Thus were bacteria are involved in this way their study would be of concern to the earth scientists too.

How many bacteria are there?

There are tons of different types of bacteria so nobody knows for sure

What decomposers live in the estuary of a river?

There are many decomposers in the estuaries of rivers. The majority of these are different types of bacteria and fungi. They enrich the water and soil with recycled organic matter.