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If all bacteria on earth died, we would also die because we have a lot of 'good' 'healthy' bacteria inside of us that keeps us alive. Bacteria couldn't just die anyway because so many new mutations develop every day

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Q: What if all bacteria died on the earth?
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How many types of bacteria live on earth?

These Asian vermins have become white, black, yellow, and all species that they can replicate and so are the insects that are part of bacteria's retinue. The above answer was racist, meh idk.

How did Brachiosauruses died?

because when the metiorite hit earth, all plants died, so the plant-eaters could not eat, then the carnivoirs that are left could not eat because all tye plant eaters died you see?

What are 5 positive things ofbacteria?

As some bacteria are harmful, there are some good things about bacteria in general. 1. If it weren't for bacteria, we wouldn't be here. All organisms on earth can trace their roots back to one group of organisms -primitive precambrian bacteria. If it weren't for those, complex life (like us) wouldn't be able to exist. 2. Bacteria aid in the digestive process. 3. Cheese, yogurt, and many other foods would not exist. 4. If it weren't for bacteria, the corpses would just pile up. Most bacteria are decomposers, meaning that they utilize dead or decaying matter for their food source. Without them, dead bodies would just sit there and not go away. There wouldn't be enough soil in the world to bury them all -in fact, without bacteria, there would be no soil -which takes us to our fifth positive aspect of bacteria. 5. Most people say that plants are the bottom of the food chain. The base of all life. They're wrong. In a terrestrial ecosystem, a plant would need soil for nutrients. Without bacteria, soil could not exist. In an aquatic ecosystem, such as an ocean, big fish need to eat little fish who prey on krill who eat plankton. Most people think it stops there. While some plankton are autotrophs (phytoplankton), the heterotrophic ones (zooplankton) find their metabolic sustenance from dead matter or -you guessed it- bacteria.

What are all the kingdomes?

There are six Kingdoms: Animalia, Archaea, Bacteria, Fungi, Plantae, and Protista.

Who was the disciple that died for Jesus?

all of them died for jesus

Related questions

Why are bacteria unable to live on earth?

Bacteria CAN live on Earth.

What is bacteira?

Bacteria is a plural form of the word "bacterium". Bacteria are single celled organisms that are ubiquitous is all of the environments on Earth.

How much bacteria lives on earth?

the amount of bacteria on Earth would have to be at least over 100.

How many species in earth?

They all died out..

Where on earth do bacteria lives?

Bacteria live in and on animals, humans and plants.

Are the bacteria the pionnering generations of life on earth?

Bacteria are usually considered as one of the pioneering generations of life on earth by the scientists.

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a matt mancini is a type of bacteria that infects the human soul and erodes all life on earth

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What kinds of bacteria have lived on earth longer than any other organism?

the bacteria of bacteria have lived on eath

What impact can a comet have on Earth?

it could be referred to as an "E.L.E" or an extinction level event. all life including bacteria and everything on earth and all life and stuff could cease to exist and we would all die and not be living anymore...

What might happen in a community if all the nitrogen fixing bacteria died?

organisms in in the community would get sick or die