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Q: How many uppercase letters in the alphabet have perpendicular line segments?
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Which two uppercase letters are formed with only two perpendicular line segments?


How many letters of the alphabet have perpendicular line segments?

The answer to this probably depends on (a) the font and (b) wheter the uppercase letter or the lowercase letters are considered. In this particular font, in uppercase B D E F H I K L M N P R and T all have perpendicular segments, G has a short perpendicular segment J has a perpendicular segment which ends in a curve U has two perpendicular segments joined by a curve and in lowercase b d h i k l m n p r and u all have perpendicular segments a f g j and t all have perpendicular segments with curved parts.

Which two upper case letters are formed with only two perpendicular segments?

Remember that "perpendicular" means "at a right (90 degree) angle". The two uppercase letter that are formed with onlytwo perpendicular segments are T and L.

Which letters of the alphabet have perpendicular lines?

6 uppercase letters: E F G H L T1 lowercase letter: t

What letters of the alphabet consist of only a line segment perpendicular to a pair of parallel line segments?

The letter - H

How many letters in the English alphabet have intersecting line segments?

25 o because sOme of them are perpendicular

How many uppercase letters in the alphabet are angels?

None. They are all just letters.

What Letters with no parallel perpendicular or intersecting line segments?

In the upper case Roman alphabet they are: C, I, J, O and S. However, in the case of C, O and S, there are parts of the curved segments which are parallel.

How many uppercase letters in the alphabet have rotational symmetry?

7 have rot

How many uppercase letters in the alphabet have reflection symmetry?

Eleven of them - AHIMOTUVWXY

What letters are perpendicular?

Perpendicular means the lines form a 90 degree angle or right angle where they meet so letters that have perpendicular lines could be: Uppercase "T" Uppercase "L" Uppercase "F" Uppercase "E" Uppercase "X" and lowercase "x" are close but I don't think they make a right angle. You could argue that "B", "D" and lowercase "t" also have perpendicular lines but they are not straight lines so I don't know if those count.

How many uppercase letters in alphabet have 2 or more lines of Symmetry?
