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Q: How many vibrations does a speaker playing a note at 500 hz produce in 2 seconds?
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What is the vibrating object On a electric piano?

The vibrating object on an electric piano is a speaker or transducer that generates sound waves by converting electrical signals into vibrations. These vibrations are then amplified and emitted as sound through the speaker, allowing the piano to produce audible tones.

How do the vibrations of an audio speaker produce sound waves?

When an electrical signal is sent to the speaker, it causes a current to flow through the speaker's voice coil which creates a magnetic field. This magnetic field interacts with the permanent magnet in the speaker, causing the voice coil to move back and forth rapidly. This rapid movement of the speaker cone creates compressions and rarefactions in the air, which are perceived as sound waves by our ears.

What does a loudspeaker change electrical energy into?

A loudspeaker changes electrical energy into sound energy by converting the electrical signal into vibrations that move the speaker cone and produce sound waves.

What is the energy transfer of a loud speaker?

A loudspeaker converts electrical energy into mechanical energy to produce sound waves. When an electrical signal is passed through the speaker's coil, it interacts with a magnet to create vibrations that move the speaker cone and produce sound.

What is the duration of The Speaker?

The duration of The Speaker is 3600.0 seconds.

How does an electro magnet work in a speaker?

An electromagnet in a speaker consists of a coil of wire wrapped around a core material. When an electrical current passes through the coil, a magnetic field is produced, causing the coil to either attract or repel from a permanent magnet. This movement of the coil creates vibrations that produce sound waves, which are then amplified and projected by the speaker.

How does an electromagnet work in speakers?

In speakers, an electromagnet works by receiving an electric current which creates a magnetic field. This magnetic field interacts with the permanent magnet in the speaker, causing it to vibrate. These vibrations produce sound waves that are then amplified and emitted through the speaker cone.

How do the vibrations of an audio speaker producec sound waves?

When an electrical signal is sent to the speaker, it causes a coil of wire to move back and forth within a magnetic field. This movement creates vibrations in the air, which we perceive as sound waves. The frequency of the vibrations corresponds to the pitch of the sound produced.

What does an object have to do to produce sound?

Hi, A loud speaker is essentially just a drum that vibrates at varying frequencies to produce a range of sounds. This is usually done by Magnets (which is why you should NEVER put a speaker next to a TV - the magnets affect the RGB screens) The size of the speaker usually dictates how well it performs at certain tones. General Rule of Thumb is that the bigger the diameter of a speaker, the better it performs with lower range tones, and vice versa. Of course this all goes out the window when it comes to Flat panel speakers - I've no idea how they work.

Is it possible to measure sound through water?

yes,through the vibrations given off from the source of the sound eg.a speaker, put a bowl of water on top of a speaker and watch the ripples made in the water through the vibrations

How does sound travel from a loud speaker to your ear?

Sound leaves the speaker in the form of a wave, through the air, and enters your year, where the eardrum picks up the vibrations of the wave and sends a signal to your brain which interprets the vibrations as sound.

What type of appliance would transfer electrical energy into sound energy?

A loudspeaker or a speaker would transform electrical energy into sound energy by converting electrical signals into vibrations that produce sound waves.