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Q: How many wahabi's are there in the world?
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What are the largest and smallest branches of Islam?

The Sunni Muslims form the largest group (about 85%) of the Muslims. There are many brnches of smaller groups like Shias, Wahabis, Ahl-i-Hadith etc.

Name Muslim's who disagreed with Muslims states undergoing secularization like turkey?

Its shia and wahabis who do not spread the true message of Islam

Do Sunni and Shia Muslims share the same mosques in the UK?

sunni and shia in the UKNo, they tend to use different mosques. Sunni and Wahabi sometimes share though. Wahabi mosques are commonly funded by Saudi Arabia as a way of spreading the wahabi way. Sunni's are far more common in the UK than wahabis, hence te push to promote wahabis.

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According to U.S Journal of Civilization and Communities,2009,the Salafi or Wahabism are just 0.80 percent of the total Muslim Population in the world. Similar is the estimation of Indian think tank,India Today,which says that though through petro dollors Salafis/Wahabis have spread their extremist ideologies in India,they are still not more than 0.90% of the total Muslim Population.

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Their is so many cultures in the world, their is just so many in the world, we do not know

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