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39916800/241920=165 would be the math answer.

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Q: How many ways can an IRS auditor select 3 of 11 tax returns for an audit?
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As an auditor is not a valuer is intimately connect with value?

This statement simply means that an auditor does not put value on things. However, he or she must intimately know the value of many different things in order to properly audit.

What are analytical procedures?

Analytical procedures are "one of many financial audit processes which help an auditor understand the client's business and changes in the business, and to identify potential risk areas to plan other audit procedures." So essentially these are the procedures that an auditor goes through to look at risks within the business.

Is bank auditor training offered online?

I haven't seen many banking auditors with the CCBIA designation. I see more of the CBA (Chartered/Certified Bank Auditor)designation offered. An internal audit training course for internal auditors in banks and financial.

Tax Audit Services?

There are many laws drafted in India that govern different kinds of audits like an income tax audit, cost audit, stock audit, company, or statutory audit as per the Companies Act, 2013. Income tax audit evaluates whether an individual or company has filed tax returns of the assessment year appropriately. Section 44AB of the Income Tax Act of 1961 lays down the provisions for an income tax audit.

Can auditors do valuation of client's business?

Generally, no, as they do not have the technical training to perform the work required. Also, there are many cases where performing the valuation was create an independence issue and disqualify the auditor's firm from performing the audit.

Can a properly designed and executed audit may not detect material fraud?

Not necessarity there are many techniques in auditing and any fraud cannot go unidentified or unnoticed if its audited by a certified auditor as they will have to undergo a training and work under a Qualified Auditor for a few years. They will learn both, how to do a fraud and how to detect them too. A material fraud can be identified very easily.

Why do large organisations keep archives of their computer files for many years?

The archive is very important in a society that end can analyze customer returns, to have audit evidence and especially to improve their processes.

Difference between continuous Audit and Periodical Audit?

The main difference in a continuous audit and a periodical audit is the amount of time an audit is done. A continuous audit is done many times throughout the year and a periodical is performed once a year. A continuous audit is also expensive because of the amount of time spent doing it.

What is computer audit software used for?

Computer audit software is used for many things. Typically, computer audit software is used for designing and creating a sophisticated plan to increase the accuracy of audit results.

How do people get jobs as an auditor?

There are many ways in which individuals can get a job as an auditor. One of the most common ways, today, is through online job sites such as Monster or CareerBuilder.

What is the procedure of the checking the quality of the work in audit organization?

There is no single audit is performing in the company.Like there are many audits are conducted like, Quality control,Finance,Marketing,Production etc So the quality of the AUDIT can be judged through the Results it produced after the audit,and the quality of the Company who is conducting that audit. Through this you can check this out.