11!/(2!2!2!)=11!/6=6652800 [It would be 11! if all of the letters were different, but you divide by two for each of the three letters which appear twice: m,a,t.]
The letters of the word SQUARE can be arranged in 6! = 720 orders.
raisesiresrises------------------------------------They can be arranged in 5!=120 ways.
In 6!, or 720 ways.
There are 9!/2! = 181,440 ways.
In how many distinct ways can the letters of the word MEDDLES be arranged?
how many ways can 8 letters be arranged
The word mathematics has 11 letters; 2 are m, a, t. The number of distinguishable permutations is 11!/(2!2!2!) = 39916800/8 = 4989600.
4! = 24, they can be arranged in 24 different ways
The letters of the word SQUARE can be arranged in 6! = 720 orders.
They can't be arranged in a million different ways!
raisesiresrises------------------------------------They can be arranged in 5!=120 ways.
24 ways.
There are 1,663,200 ways.
There are 45360 ways.