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4! = 24, they can be arranged in 24 different ways

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Q: How many ways can 4 letters be arranged?
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Since there are 4 letters, they can be arranged 4! ways (4*3*2*1) or 24 ways.

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4! its called four factorial 4 * 3 * 2 *1 = 24 ways

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There are 4 characters.They can be arranged within themselves so they can be arranged in 24 ways.[Note : The formula for this is n! if there are n characters.]

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There are eight letters in anaconda, so....,8!Means,8 * 7 * 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2= 40,320 ways===========

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Here P and S are fixed, so 10 letters are left, out of which 2 are T'sSo, 10 letters out of which 2 are T's can be arranged in 10!/2! = 1814400 waysNow letters P and S can be arranged so that there are 4 letters between them, which can be done in 2*7 = 14 waysRequired no. of ways = 1814400 * 14 = 25401600

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(6*5*4*3*2*1)/(2*2) = 180