42 will not divide evenly into 72. You an divide 42 into 72 but there will be a fraction.
42 / 24 = 1.75 days. We divide by 24 because there are 24 hours in a day.
the answer actually is 4
divide and you get 95.2381
Many ways, but the simplest is add the two numbers together and divide the answer by 2. For example, number between 23 and 42. Add them together: 23 + 42 = 65 Divide by 2: 65/2 = 32.5 So 32.5 is [exactly halfway] between 23 and 42.
Just divide 4.20 by 42, to find out.
The answer is 7!/5! = 42 ways.
42 will not divide evenly into 72. You an divide 42 into 72 but there will be a fraction.
Divide 42 by 2 to give you 21.
42 / 24 = 1.75 days. We divide by 24 because there are 24 hours in a day.