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Q: How many ways can you represent function?
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How many representation are there of a function?

You can represent any given function in as many different ways as you want.

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How many different ways can you represent the number 54?

2 ways

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how many ways can you describe one trillion

What are 4 ways to represent a function?

Input/output table, description in words, Equation, or some type of graph

What are 3 ways other than words to represent a function?

Input/output table, Equation, or some type of graph

Who represent Dublin?

That depends on what you mean. There are lots of politicians that represent Dublin. There are lots of sports people that represent Dublin. There are competitors in non-sporting competitions that represent Dublin. There are performers that represent Dublin. There are many people that represent Dublin in many other ways, so there is no simple answer for your question.

Why are there so many crip sets?

becuse each set stands for something each person choosing a set helps represent themselves in other ways therfore so many sets gives a variety of ways to represent

What does x represent in a function?

The unknown variable in that function.

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No ---two ways AROUND it No two ways about it

Does communication represent the function of human language?

yeah definitely...the word communication will represent the function of human language