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Assuming three standard dice with each die showing the numbers 1-6 on its faces, there are 25 ways to get a total of 12:

156, 165, 246, 255, 264, 336, 345, 354, 363, 426, 435, 444, 453, 462, 516, 525, 534, 543, 552, 561, 615, 624, 633, 642, 651

In each number the first digit is the value on the first die, the second digit the value of the second die and the third digit the value of the third die.

If you use three coloured dice (eg Red, White and Blue) each digit is the value of one of the coloured dice - eg with the numbers 156, 165, 516, 561, 615, 651 it may all seem to be the same roll, but in the first case it is R=1, W=5, B=6, the second R=1, W=6, B=5, etc: they are all distinguishable by the colour of the dice.

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