Considering 2011 is not a leap year, it has 365 days; having 7 days in a week, 365/7 = 52 weeks plus 1 day.
Exactly four weeks.
Since this is just one year, there are 52 weeks from May 2011 to May 2012.
How many weeks between September 27, 2010 and June 30, 2011
none - we are in 2012 now
In any year there are 52 weeks and one day - or two if it is a leap year.
There are 4 weeks in January 2011
That would be 16 weeks.
June 2011 contained 4.29 weeks.
8.6 weeks
39 weeks
Exactly four weeks.
A little over 7 weeks to 1st Jan 2011.
11 weeks and 5 days.
8 weeks and 2 days.
34 weeks and 6 days.
4 weeks and 2 days.
29 weeks and 6 days.