In any year there are 52 weeks and one day - or two if it is a leap year.
Since this is just one year, there are 52 weeks from May 2011 to May 2012.
Considering 2011 is not a leap year, it has 365 days; having 7 days in a week, 365/7 = 52 weeks plus 1 day.
Every year has 52 full weeks. In addition, ordinary years have one more day, and leap years have two more days.
Exactly four weeks.
There are approximately 52 weeks in a year.
52 weeks and 1 day
Like any ordinary year, 52 weeks in a year.
Since this is just one year, there are 52 weeks from May 2011 to May 2012.
52 weeks and one day in a normal year.
It will be exactly one year from November to November. This would be 52 weeks.
Considering 2011 is not a leap year, it has 365 days; having 7 days in a week, 365/7 = 52 weeks plus 1 day.
There are 52 full weeks in one year. There are 2 weeks in a fortnight. Therefore, one year is equal to 52/2 = 26 fortnights.
There are 4 weeks in January 2011
It depends if it is a leap year or not.....
Every year has 52 full weeks. In addition, ordinary years have one more day, and leap years have two more days.