8 weeks and 3 days
59 weeks, 3 days and 2/3
On the Gregorian Calendar, two months can be 59, 60, 61, or 62 days, which is 8 weeks and 3, 4, 5, or 6 days.
59 years is about 21,549.455 days.
59 hours = 2.46 days.
8 weeks and 3 days
8 weeks and 3 days
7 Days in a Wk ...59/7 = 8 wk and 3 Days
59 weeks, 3 days and 2/3
The normal answer is 59 weeks. This is the wrong answeras the question does not ask which half. Therefore there are two answers, the first half 59, weeks, the second half, 1 week. Average time for half a pond (59+1)/2 = 30 weeks(NKW)
On the Gregorian Calendar, two months can be 59, 60, 61, or 62 days, which is 8 weeks and 3, 4, 5, or 6 days.
59 years is about 21,549.455 days.
59 hours = 2.46 days.
59 If the question should have asked, "How many days......", then 59 hours is 2 days 11 hours.
It is about 59
About 59 - 63 days or approx. 9 weeks from the breeding.