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Q: How many weeks is considered premature delivery?
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How many weeks is a baby considered premature?

37 weeks and earlier.

How many weeks in pregnanacy is safe for delivery?

36 to 42 weeks is considered full-term. Anything before 36 weeks is considered premature. Preemies have all sorts of problems. Generally, the earlier the baby, the greater the risk of complications.

How many weeks early until premature?

I think what you want to know is what is considered premature versus an abortion? Prematurity is the delivery of the baby within the age of viability (which is usually 5mos of gestational age) before the fetus reaches the age of viability and is expelled from the woman's body is considered as abortion. i hope this helped

How big is a premature baby?

Weight and size of premature babies varies in regards to how many weeks of gestation, reason why they are premature, genetics, etc. There are so many variables so there is no standard size for premature babies.

How many weeks is a baby to grow in the womb before delivery?

it takes 40 weeks for a baby to grow in a womb but if u deliver ur baby before 32 weeks then more likely u r going to have a premature baby i was pregnant and i carried my baby for 38 weeks i had a little boy he was 5lbs and 12 oz

How many weeks does the blood in the uterus disappear after delivery?

3 weeks

About how many weeks does a human pregnancy last?

usually it is about 40 weeks but sometimes it may be overdue or premature but if not usually 40 weeks

How many weeks pregnant is considered your first trimester?

Roughly 1 to 12 weeks.

How many weeks are there in a pregnancy?

The average pregnancy goes 40 weeks after the last period, or 38 weeks after conception. Pregnancy is generally measured after the woman's last period. There are cases of premature babies, born in any week of the pregnancy. There are cases of the pregnancy continuing another week or two after 40 weeks. It depends on the woman and her baby.You are considered full term at 37+ weeks and may go into labor anytime. If you are still pregnant at 40 weeks your doctor will assess you and decide if they think you will need to be induced. Some women are pregnant for 42 weeks and have to be induced.40

How many days more are required to deliver a baby after 9 months?

A baby can usually be safely delivered after 37 weeks gestation. That is considered the minimum for full term. There are no "required" amount of days past this for delivery.

What are some dangers of having premature babies?

There are many risks associated with having a premature baby (born before 37 weeks gestation). The risk of mortality for the baby is higher in it's first year after birth. Premature babies are also at higher risk of neurological and disability problems, due to the brain not having had the full gestation time to develop. This can also be true of the other vital organs such as the heart, liver, kidneys and lungs, and many premature babies can experience maladies of their vital organs.

Is it dangerous to go into labor at 29 weeks?

Although all the baby's organs are formed it is not yet fully developed or mature enough for an independent existence. If it survives it will need specialist care in a neo-natal unit for many weeks and may have developmental problems. Only a small percentage of babies born at 24 weeks survive.