To the nearest unit: none (other than itself)
To the nearest 5: 5 (incl itself)
To the nearest 10: 10 (incl itself)
To the nearest n: n, where n is any integer.
It depends on whether you are rounding to the nearest 5, 10, 50 or whatever.
Ten whole numbers round to 50, if you include 50 itself which requires no rounding.
45 to 54
49.64 rounded to the nearest whole number is 50.
It depends on whether you are rounding to the nearest 5, 10, 50 or whatever.
It depends on whether you are rounding to the nearest integer, nearest 10, nearest 50 etc.
There are 50 positive whole numbers up to and including 50. Including zero, there are 51.
Ten whole numbers round to 50, if you include 50 itself which requires no rounding.
45 to 54
49.64 rounded to the nearest whole number is 50.
Fifty of them