If the length is L units and the width is W units then L/W widths equal one length.
Usually not.
One degree could be equal to any length depending on how far from the point of origin you are making a measurement. It is not normally a function of length. One degree can be broken down into 60 minutes or 360 seconds.
A triangle with 2 equal side lengths is called an isosceles triangle.
There is no constant relationship between units of length and units of angle.
There is no constant relationship between units of length and units of angle.
Usually not.
One degree could be equal to any length depending on how far from the point of origin you are making a measurement. It is not normally a function of length. One degree can be broken down into 60 minutes or 360 seconds.
One centimetre is a measure of length equal to ten millimetres. One millimetre is a measure of length equal to one tenth of a centimetre.
A triangle with 2 equal side lengths is called an isosceles triangle.
There is no constant relationship between units of length and units of angle.
There are at least 5 mils. They are a Cypriot monetary unit equal to one thousandth of a pound, a Swedish unit of length equal to 10 km, a unit of length of one thousandth of an inch, a metric unit equal to one thousandth, and an angular unit used in artillery that is equal to 1/6400 of a complete revolution.
There is no constant relationship between units of length and units of angle.
Equal to the length of the radius.