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Q: How many yards are between the 15 yard line and the 45 yard line?
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What happens if a team has the ball on the ball on their twenty yard line and after the play its on the defenses forty yard line then how many yards were gain?

Forty (40) yards.

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How long is it from the 15 yard line to the other team's 40 yard line?

From the 15 yard line to the 50 yard line (the center) is 35 yards. It's another 10 yards to the other team's 40 yard line. So the total distance from one team's 15 yard line to the other team's 40 yard line is 45 yards.

If you were on the 20 yard line and you ran to the 40 yard line how many yards did you run?

The answer depends on which 40-yard line. If you're on your own twenty and run to your own 40, you ran twenty yards. If you start from your own twenty and run to your opponent's 40, you ran forty yards.

How long is it from the 15 yard line to the 45 yard line?

About 30 yards.

If a player runs from his 15-yard line to the other team's 45-yard line how far does he run?


How many yards are there in field hockey?

There are two 25 yard marks and one 50 yard line. So there are 100 yards on a field hockey field!

In cricket how many yard between the wickets?

150 yards in test cricket

What yard line is the crossbar of an NFL goal post?

It is not on a yard line, it is on the back line of the endzone, which is 10 yards deep.

Are yards after catch considered rushing yards?

No. After making a reception of a forward pass all yards, gained or lost, after the catch are considered receiving yards to the receiver and passing yards to the quarterback. EXAMPLE: The line of scrimmage is the offense's 10 yard line. The quarterback throws a forward pass that is completed at the offense's 15 yard line and the receiver runs to the offense's 30 yard line before being tackled. The receiver is credited with 20 receiving yards and the quarterback is credited with 20 passing yards. EXAMPLE 2: The line of scrimmage is the offense's 10 yard line. The quarterback throws a forward pass that is completed at the offense's 12 yard line and the receiver runs laterally/backwards to the offense's 8 yard line before being tackled. The receiver is credited with -2 receiving yards and the quarterback is credited with -2 passing yards.