There are 3 feet in a yard, so therefore 10 ft x 10 ft is 3.33 yd x 3.33 yd.
If the slab is the standard 4" deep, you will need at least 8.89 cubic yards.
4.074 cubic yards for every foot the slab is thick.
You can't express a volume of concrete in yards.
How many square yards in a 20x18 feet 3 inches thick
11.852 cubic yards
Assuming you need a slab 25 feet x 32 feet x 4" you would need 10 yards of concrete. 25 x 32 x .33 / 27 = 9.7 cubic yards
If the slab is the standard 4" deep, you will need at least 8.89 cubic yards.
how many yards of concrete will i need to do a 20 x20 x4 slab
37.03 yards
For a 4-inch depth you will need 7.41 cubic yards.
A 40x60x6in slab requires 44.44 cubic yards of cement.
3.95 cubic yards of cement are needed for a slab that size.
4.074 cubic yards for every foot the slab is thick.
For a 4-inch thick slab, you will need at least 9.48 Cubic Yards.
about 5 yards if your slab is 4" deep
1.19 Cubic Yards
You can't express a volume of concrete in yards.