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Q: How many yards must be gained after a loss of 3 yards to have a total gain of 10 yards?
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How do you use integers in football?

yes, how many yards you loss it's a negative, but if you gain yards it's going to be a positive number

How many electrons are lost or gained in a chemical reaction?

There is zero NET loss or gain of electrons

What number represents the total net yardage when three consecutive passes a football team gains 7 yards loses 36 yards and gains 11 yards?

The total net of those three plays would be a loss of eighteen yards (-18).

What is a loss of 11 yards integers?

Since 11 is an integer, it is a loss of 11 yards!

What is foreign exchange gain loss?

It's a foreign exchange gain or loss, so when you exchange currencies, you can either make a gain or a loss from it (profit or loss).

Atoms that have an electrical charge due to a gain or loss of electrons are called what?

Ions. Cations have lost electrons and have a positive charge. Anions have gained electrons and have a negative charge.

What term is used to describe when heat gain is equal to heat loss?

The term used to describe when heat gain is equal to heat loss is thermal equilibrium. This means that there is no net change in temperature because the heat gained by a system is equal to the heat lost by the system.

What does TFL in football stats mean?

TFL in football stats stands for TFL - Tackle For Loss.

How do you treat unrealized foreign exchange gain or loss?

Unrealised foreign exchange gain and loss is moved through equity while realised gain and loss is charged to profit and loss.

Income minus expenses is?

Loss or gain - This number is total income minus total expenses, and indicates your loss or gain. A positive number indicates that you make more than you spend and therefore are able to save money. A negative number indicates that you spend more than you make and are therefore borrowing money or deducting from your savings.

If the quarterback gets sacked for a loss does the the loss of yards go against his passing yards?

no it does not, it counts against his rushing yards

What is difference between abnormal loss and abnormal gain?

if the actual loss is greater than normal loss. it is known as abnormal loss but if the actual loss is less than normal loss a gain is obtained which is called abnormal gain or effectiveness