77 front neighborhood yards 100,000 back yards and still wants a extra 10 for crack
80 minutes
There are 3 syllables. Lawn - mow-er.
Not enough information to answer. This depends on many variables i.e. type and size of machine, length of grass fitness off operator.
Find the LCM of 4 and 6 to find the answer: LCM of 4 and 6: 12 (4 x 3 and 6 x 2) So, you will mow them in 12 days.
4 cars and 5 yards.
The best way to mow your yard, is with a lawnmower. The other option is to hire a gardener.
The cost to mow a small yard is $15, medium $25 and a large is $50-60.
You can have a lemonade stand or mow some yards.
To find out how many minutes it would take Eric to mow 600 square feet, you need to convert square yards to square feet. Since 1 square yard is 9 square feet (3x3), 600 sq yards is equivalent to 5400 sq feet (600x9). If Eric can mow 600 sq yards in 1.5 hours (90 minutes), then he would take 5400 sq feet/600 sq feet per 90 minutes = 9 minutes to mow 600 square feet.
Ask Mom or Dad....Lemonade Stand......mow yards!
No but he can baby sit , deliver newspapers, mow yards , rake leaves etc
mow lawn, cold drinks/lemonade, tan, garden
he can mow 6 lawns he can mow 6 lawns
Mowing Yards: 30 Bucks a lawn -5 for gas ---- 25 bucks a lawn. Mow 3-4 yards a day.
That depends on what sort of lawn you want to achieve.