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On the 4th of December, 2000 the UNGA decided that, from 2001, the 20th of June would be World Refugee Day.

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Q: How many years has the United Nations sponsored World Refugee Day?
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What are the 10 largest economies in the world?

Different agencies give different rankings. Here is the United Nations ranking: United States, China, Japan, Germany, France, Brazil, United Kingdom, Italy, India, Russia. Please see the link.

What is the number of humans on earth?

The United States Census Bureau estimated that the world's population exceeded 7 billion people on March 12, 2012. However, the United Nations Population Fund estimated that pop statistics reached the 7 billion milestone on October 31, 2011.

How many country in the world total?

As of 2021, there are 195 recognized sovereign nations in the world.

Why were European nations less prosperous than the US after would war 1?

Europe (especially France) was devastated after the First World War. Harvests were not gathered extensively for a long time afterwards, as the war had destroyed not only the current crops, but also the land and facilities. As such, European nations were forced to purchase excess food from the United States, allowing the US to grow while they themselves continued to fall.

How many sides were there in World War 2?

There were basically two "sides" in WW2. For most of the period covered by the period of the war these consisted ofOn the one side, the Allied nations: principallythe United Kingdom (1939-45)the Soviet Union (1940-45)the United States (1941-45)On the other, the Axis powers: principallyGermany (1939-45)Italy (1940-43/45)Japan (1941-45)However, as far as other countries are concerned this is a simplified picture. In September 1944, for example, Bulgaria was simultaneously at war with Germany, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, and the United States!

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no it is not NIH is in america, WHO or world health organization is sponsored by United NAtiond

What is United Nations refugee authority?

The UN's refugee agency, the site contains feature stories and information about the UN's work for refugees around the world as well as searchable databases.

What international health agency is sponsored by the United Nations?

The name of the organisation is World Health Organisation (WHO).

What agency is sponsored by the united nations that complies statistics on disease and publishes health information?

World Health Organization [WHO]

What motivates Harry S. Truman?

Harry S. Truman was motivated to stop the Second World War and create peace between the nations. He sponsored the creation of the United Nations and presided over the rebuilding of Japan and Europe.?æ

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After world war 2, the United Nations was formed in attempt to maintain world peace, and the United Nations provides peace keepers in areas of conflict.

What was the International peace organization set up post world war 2?

The United Nations- formed by FDR, Stalling and Churchill

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The united nations was created after world war 2

When was United Nations Established?

the united nations was established in 1919.

What was the interests of Harry S. Truman?

Harry S. Truman was motivated to stop the Second World War and create peace between the nations. He sponsored the creation of the United Nations and presided over the rebuilding of Japan and Europe.?æ

The organization established after World War 2 for settlement of world problems without war was the?

United Nations (: A+

Why the United Nations organized?

For nations to meet and discuss world relations