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  1. The United States Census Bureau estimated that the world's population exceeded 7 billion people on March 12, 2012. However, the United Nations Population Fund estimated that pop statistics reached the 7 billion milestone on October 31, 2011.
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Q: What is the number of humans on earth?
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What is the number of living humans on earth?

Approximately 6880000000 (6.88 billion)

How many humans are in earth?

As of 2021, there are approximately 7.9 billion people on Earth. This number is continuously changing due to births, deaths, and migrations.

How many lands inhabited by humans on the earth?

There are over 195 countries on Earth where humans inhabit. Each country can have multiple cities and regions where humans live. The total number of inhabited lands would depend on how you define and categorize these regions.

Which animal has the largest number in the earth?

As a family of animals: Insects. As one species of animals: Humans.

What is the aproximate number of humans on the earth?

Somewhere north of six billion humans on the Earth right now. Some web sites claim precise figures, but anything more exact than this is mostly guesswork.

Which part of the earth do humans live on?

Humans live on the lithosphere, or the crust, of the earth.

Why humans don't feel the earth travel?

Humans are traveling at the same speed as the earth.

Are there any humans on Eris?

No. The only place where there are humans is on Earth, or in low Earth orbit.

Do humans help the earth more or hurt it more?

Humans hurt the earth more.

How the humans come to earth?

The humans came to earth from a "big bang" long time ago.

If a giant meteoroid hit earth will humans have to live on earth?

== == If a giant meteoroid hit earth humans would not live any more or animals earth will die.

How humans have impacted the earth?

Humans have impacted the Earth in numerous ways, including deforestation, pollution of air and water, overfishing, habitat destruction, and climate change. These activities have negative consequences for ecosystems and biodiversity, leading to loss of species, altered landscapes, and threats to the overall health of the planet. Actions like implementing sustainable practices and conservation efforts are crucial to mitigate these impacts and protect the Earth's resources for future generations.