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It's still only a single day.

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Q: How many years now is the indepedence day of the Philippines?
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How many years now is the Independence Day of the Philippines?

The Independence Day of the Philippines has been celebrated for over 120 years since it was first declared on June 12, 1898.

When do Afghanistan celebrate indepedence day?

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What is Europe's date of indepedence?

Europe doesn't have an independence day because it is not a nation, it is a continent.

Which country celebrates it's Indepedence day on July 10th?

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Is Boxing Day a public holiday in Philippines?

Boxing Day is not a public holiday in the Philippines, but it is known as a special non-working day for many people.

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What are the qualification for senator of the Philippines?

To qualify as a senator in the Philippines, a candidate must be a natural-born citizen of the country, at least 35 years old on Election Day, able to read and write, a registered voter, and a resident of the Philippines for not less than two years immediately preceding the day of the election. The candidate must also not have been convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude.

What is Philippine Historiography?

Philippine Historiography is the history of the Republic of the Philippines. Philippine history can be traced back to the arrival of Magellan to present day. Many people have recorded this history throughout the years.

When is Father's Day in the Philippines 2012?

Father's Day is June 17, 2012 in the Philippines.

When was Mother's Day in the Philippines in 2010?

Mother's Day in the Philippines was on May 9, 2010.

When is Mother's Day in the Philippines 2011?

Mother's Day in the Philippines is on Sunday, May 8, 2011.