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9 zeros are in 1,000,000,000/ a billion.

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Q: How many zeros are in a billion according to Indian scale?
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How many zeros are in 75 billion?

There are 9 zeros in 75 billion in the US and current UK short scale. This is 75,000,000,000. There are 12 zeros in 75 billion in the older UK long scale. This is 75,000,000,000,000.

When does a billion have 12 zeros?

English speaking countries use the short scale billion, with 9 zeros: 1,000,000,000 Non-English speaking countries largely use the long scale billion, with 12 zeros: 1,000,000,000,000. Britain used to use the long scale, but changed in 1974 to the short scale billion.

How many zeros in billion euros?

It depends. Most European countries use the long scale billion which has 12 zeros. 1,000,000,000,000 But English speaking countries use the short scale billion which has 9 zeros. 1,000,000,000

You thought a billion had 12 zeros - wrong?

English speaking countries use the short scale billion, with 9 zeros: 1,000,000,000Non-English speaking countries largely use the long scale billion, with 12 zeros: 1,000,000,000,000.Britain used to use the long scale, but changed in 1974 to the short scale billion.

Why can a billion have 12 trailing zeros?

Most European countries have 12 trailing zeros. English speaking countries use the short scale billion, with 9 zeros: 1,000,000,000 Non-English speaking countries largely use the long scale billion, with 12 zeros: 1,000,000,000,000. Britain used to use the long scale, but changed in 1974 to the short scale billion.

How many zeros in a UK billion?

Britain now uses the short scale billion which has 9 zeros. 1,000,000,000

How many zeros are in a billion pounds sterling?

Britain now uses the short scale billion which has 9 zeros. 1,000,000,000

How do you write out 259 billion?

259 billion is written as 259,000,000,000.

How many zeros are there in 0.75 billion?

In the short scale, 7.

How many zeros in 1 billion in Indian system?


How many zeros in 22 billion?

It will be the same number of zeroes as 1 billion, just with a 22 at the front and not a 1. If you live in the US then it would have 9 zeros (short scale). However if you are in Europe or elsewhere, it may have 12 zeros (long scale).

How many zeros in one billion dirham?

Dirham is the currency of Morocco, the United Arab Emirates, Libya and Qatar. These countries use the short scale of numbering so one billion would have 12 zeros.1,000,000,000,000* * * * *An intermediate edit to the answer contradicts itself. If (and I claim no knowledge here) these countries use the short scale, then a billion has 9 zeros. It has 12 zeros only if they used the long scale.