The wings' primary job is to create lift. Lift is needed to overcome the weight of the airplane to allow it to get off the ground and climb. Maths is used in designing a wing which is best shaped to do this whilst also being strong enough to bear the forces it will be subjected to, be large enough to carry the required amount of fuel in its tanks and be streamlined to reduce drag. This is all physics and physics relies on maths to calculate exactly how its laws will be obeyed.
Everywhere everyday you use maths for
maths? maybe you should be concerned about what "englishes" they use
I am assuming you are asking about the "wings" of an airplane. The fuselage of most metal airplanes have a basic structure that the skin is applied to it. This structure is made up of Ribsthat go around the fuselage every few feet.
Well... Grade "A" Maths could mean that you had used completely solid reasoning and a minimalistic approach to the proof that you were QEDing. Or when i last did a state exam in Maths it was my "A" Levels divided into "Pure Maths". and "Applied Maths".
All airplanes have at least two wings.
airplanes need wings so they can glide and land correctly
Birds and airplanes both have wings.
Yes, airplanes usually have 2 wings. 1 wing would be unsteady.
The wings of an airplane are near-flat surfaces that plane the air.
Some bird wings are like airplanes wings because the air goes over and under it like a airplane soaring through the sky!
fuselage, wings, engine, and whatnot
Usually in the wings.