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Q: How measured value is reported in term of known and estimated digits?
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How a measured value is reported in terms of known and estimated digits?

Significant Figure.

All the digits known with certainly plus one final digit which is somewhat uncertain or is estimated?

significant figures

What must be known In order to calculate the third years depreciation on an asset using the sum of the years digits method?

Original cost, estimated salvage value, and estimated useful life.

How many significant figures in the number 20?

Significant digits refer to the number of digits that are known versus the number of digits that are estimated. So if the number 20 is an approximation, there is only one significant digit, which is the 2. However, if 20 is accurate to the ones place, then there are 2 significant digits. 20.00 has four significant digits, because it is known that the number is accurate down to the hundredths place.

What are the disadvantages of the pole placement technique?

The only problem with this technique is that more states are required to be known. These states can be either measured or estimated.

What are pi's known digits?

The digits of pi are known to more than a trillion (1012) digits, but it is impossible to state all of them in this forum.

How many digits are known?

There is 5 trillion digits of pi.

What is an estimated digit?

Suppose you have a variable whose exact value is not known. Repeated estimations give values which match up to a certain degree but beyond that they are different. You could take some sort of [weighted] average of the leading digits of these different parts and your estimate for the variable wold be the matched part with the estimated digit appended.For example, if you Google "mass of proton" the WIkipedia site give it as ‎1.672621898(21)×10−27 kg. The (21) - in parentheses - indicates that those two digits are estimated.

What number of digits by which a series of number is known with a degree of reliability?

Significant digits.

What is the boiling point of lawrencium?

The boiling point of lawrencium is not precisely known due to its limited research and very short half-life. However, it is estimated to be around 1900-2100 degrees Celsius based on its position in the periodic table.

Is it true that in an answer that has four significant figures two are estimated and two are known?

False, one is estimated and three are known

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Time is not known until it is measured and when it flies it is missed.