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Null hypothesis: Television advertising has the same influence on athletic shoe sales as advertisements found in magazines.

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Q: How might a null hypothesis be stated for a research study attempting to determine whether television or magazine advertising has greater influence on athletic shoe sales?
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Determine the hypothesis in this conditional statement if it is after midnight then the store will be closed?

It is after midnight((:

How would you determine the expected frequencies for a chi-square goodness of fit test?

You first decide on a null hypothesis. Expected frequencies are calculated on the basis of the null hypothesis, that is, assuming that the null hypothesis is true.

What is hypothesis in basic statistic?

A statistician may have some idea about some statistics in a data set, and there is a need to test whether or not that hypothesis is likely to be true. Data are collected and a test statistic is calculated. The value of this test statistic is used to determine the probability that the hypothesis is true.

If a researcher has their hypothesis rejected what should they do next?

They should go back to the theories on which the hypothesis was based and determine which of them was most likely to have been wrong. This should be followed by either coming up with a modification of the theory or the development of a new theory.

Does null hypothesis determine whether p value for non directional or directional testing on hypothesis should be used?

A null hypothesis is simply a postulate or, put another way, a possible statement of fact. It is a claim about something that might be accepted as true that is to be tested.It does not determine in any way what decision method should be used to test whether it should be accepted. Therefore, it does not determine any aspect of the decision method that is used such as p value.In general there are many rational ways of testing one hypothesis against another. Some of these ways will have better statistical properties than others; some might be cheaper or more convenient to perform. But none would be determined by the pair of hypotheses.

Related questions

How much is television advertising?

No one really can determine how much, its mostly up to the station that you will advertise on

What is the purpose of a Nielsen rating?

The purpose of a Nielsen rating is to measure the audience size and demographic information for television programming. It provides valuable data to television networks, advertisers, and content creators to understand viewership trends and make informed decisions about programming and advertising strategies.

What is an inverse hypothesis?

To determine the inverse, negate both the hypothesis and conclusion.

It Comes after a hypothesis and is used to determine whether the hypothesis is correct?

Test your hypothesis by Doing an Experiment

What is the significance of a hypothesis?

The significance test is the process used, by researchers, to determine whether the null hypothesis is rejected, in favor of the alternative research hypothesis, or not.

What is the definition scientific conclusion?

To determine if your hypothesis is right

What is a testable hypoyhesis?

A testable hypothesis is one where you can experimentally manipulate variables in order to determine the veracity of the hypothesis.

Is a womans hypothesise wrong?

that depends on exactly what the hypothesis is. You cannot determine if something is right or wrong by who made the hypothesis.

What following statement is not part of testing a hypothesis?

Concluding that the hypothesis is correct based on personal beliefs or opinions is not part of testing a hypothesis. Testing a hypothesis involves designing experiments, collecting data, and analyzing results to determine if the hypothesis is supported or not.

How do you determine the optimal level of advertising?

the optimal level of advertising expenditure for the firm is determined where the marginal revenue increase in costs of advertising are equal to the marginal increase in revenue

Why should hypotheses testable?

How else would you determine the validity of the hypothesis.

Determine the hypothesis in this conditional statement if it is after midnight then the store will be closed?

It is after midnight((: