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Q: How might dependency ratio affect the US?
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There are a few locations of chemical dependency treatment centers in the US. These include: Crouse Hospital's Chemical Dependency Treatment Services in New York, the Montana Chemical Dependency Center.

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If we do not it will eventually be forced on us.

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if a terroist attack they might use it against us

What is functional dependency in DBMS?

A key is a set of attributes that uniquely identifies an entire tuple, a function dependency allow us to express constraints that uniquely identify the values of certain attribute.

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because it might flood over the us

Which is the main way that this island affects the mainland?

If you want us to answer your homework questions, you might care to explain WHAT "this" island is about - otherwise you have not provided us with anything like the information we need to help you. It might provide shelter, it might affect the weather, it may affect food prices. Who knows! Tell us a little about the mainline and the smaller island so we have SOME clue as to what the question relates to please.

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it does not affect us

What is difference between Partial Functional Dependency and Full Functional Dependency?

A functional dependency is defined as a constraint between two sets of attributes in a relation from a database.Given a relation R, a set of attributes X in R is said to functionally determine another attribute Y, also in R, (written X→ Y) if and only if eachX value is associated with at most oneY value.A functional dependency X --> Y is full functional dependency if removal of any attribute 'k' from X means that the dependency does not hold any more. Full functional dependency is minimal in size.Partial Functional Dependency Indicates that if A and B are attributes of a table, B is partially dependent on A if there is some attribute that can be removed from A and yet the dependency still holds.A key is a set of attributes that uniquely identifies an entire tuple, a function dependency allow us to express constraints that uniquely identify the values of certain attribute.

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mabey it would bring war between the U.S. the British

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Why might world war 1 might affect the us?

World War I affected the US by making it in charge of all other world powers. In other words, the war boasted the country into becoming the world's superpower.