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Q: How might fractals be used in the study and treatment of cancer?
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Why were fractals made?

Fractals are geometric shapes that you can break up into parts and each part has a property known as self similarity. This property simply means that each little part has the same general shape as the big part it came from. Fractals occur in nature so why cannot simply answer the question why were they made. One example is frost crystals that appear on a glass window. In math we create these patterns for many reasons. One is just because they are very pretty. But the also interest mathematicians. People who study calculus like them because they have certain very interesting properties. ( some of them do0. One example is that of being everywhere continuous but nowhere differentiable. It is not too important to understand exactly what it means, just to know that it is a very surprising result in math. It turns out that fractals are important in studying complex numbers too. Something that most people would never guess. There are fractals called Julia sets named after a mathematician with the last name Julia. I will post a link of a gallery of fractals. Many people enjoy looking at them. Now you know their beauty goes much deeper than just their looks!

What is the study of mathematics?

Errrr ... that is a really tricky question. Perhaps the answer might - just might - be mathematics!

What is the name of the study where neither the researchers nor the participants know who is getting the real treatment?

double blind

What are secondary uses for zonisamide?

Some physicians have also used zonisamide in the treatment of mood disorders. As of 2004, zonisamide is additionally under study for the treatment of migraine headaches and neuropathic (nerve) pain .

What is expiremental group?

Experimental Groups are used to compare the effects of an intervention (treatment) in one population to the effects in another. For example, one might be interested in the question of whether there are differences between the memories of people diagnosed as dyslexic and "non-dyslexic" people. Also, if subjects are randomly assigned to groups, as in "true experiments," then effects observed in the groups will be statistically independent among groups, thereby making it easier to interpret the specific effects of different treatments and controls. In an experimental design like this hypothetical animation study, the experimental groups are referred to as "treatment groups" and "control groups." In this study, the treatment group is presented a computer animated video depiction of the alleged crime in a jury trial. The control group does not see the video animation. In an important sense, "no treatment" is also an event because something is always going on between measurements. To demarcate the time period involved, we will insert a "Null Event" in the Control Group at the location corresponding to the location of the treatment in the Treatment Group. by: Rosnelric C. Austria 6/26/11

Related questions

What is the study and treatment of cancer called?

The study of cancer is called oncology, while the treatment of cancer is called oncology.

What field of science does an oncologist study?

An oncologist studies oncology, which is the field of medicine focused on the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Oncologists specialize in the management of patients with cancer, including overseeing chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and other cancer treatments.

Fractals have been the main focus study of what?

your dad

The study of fractals is a modern topic in mathematics?


Which mathematician was a pioneer in the study of fractals?

Benoit Mandelbrot

Which mathematician was a pioneer in the study fractals?

Benoit Mandelbrot

Why are fractals related to math?

But to a mathematician, it is a neat, neat subject area. Why are fractals important? Fractals help us study and understand important scientific concepts, such as the way bacteria grow, patterns in freezing water (snowflakes) and brain waves, for example. Their formulas have made possible many scientific breakthroughs.

What doctor specializes in the treatment of cancer?

A doctor who specializes in the study or treatment of cancer is called an Oncologist.

What disease is the focus of oncology?

The branch of medicine that deals with tumors, including study of their development, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Source: The study of Oncology is the study of cancer. Doctors (oncologists) services relating to it range from screening and checking to treatment, therapy and followups post treatment.

What does oncology therapeutic mean?

Oncology is the study of cancer and therapeutic means "treatment option". An oncologic therapeutic medication or procedure is a particular medication or procedure specifically for the treatment of cancer.

Can cobalt help animals?

it helps in oncology, i.e study of cancer and tumors, AND cobalt-60 is used in treatment of cancer and tumors.

Oncology is the study of?

Oncology is the study of cancer, including its development, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Oncologists are medical professionals who specialize in the field of oncology and work with patients to provide comprehensive cancer care.