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Q: How might the graph change if the environmental conditions of the bacteria suddenly change?
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When a species includes organisms with a wide variety of traits it is most likely that this species will have?

a greater chance to survive if the environmental conditions suddenly change.

How are monomorphic and pleomorphic alike and different?

Monomorphic and pleomorphic both describe the variation in shape and size of a bacterial cell. The key difference is that monomorphic bacteria maintain a consistent shape, while pleomorphic bacteria can change shape depending on environmental conditions.

When environmental conditions change it is more likely that at least some members of a species will survive if?

When environmental conditions change it is more likely that at least some members of a species will survive if there is variation among the members.

What is an environmental revolution?

it is a change in environmental conditions, but not just any change but rather a severe change that is noticeable by everyone and it stays that way

What special defenses do spores and capsules have?

Spores have thick walls that protect them from harsh environmental conditions, allowing them to survive for extended periods. Capsules, on the other hand, have tough outer coverings that shield them from physical damage and help distribute the spores efficiently when they burst open. Both adaptations aid in the dispersal and survival of the reproductive structures in the environment.

When environmental conditions change?

When environmental conditions change, organisms may need to adapt to survive. This can involve changes in behavior, physiology, or genetic makeup. If an organism is unable to adapt to the new conditions, it may face increased risks such as decreased survival or reproduction.

How do environmental conditions change during the seasons of the year?

answer it for me plz thanks

What has the author William Antholis written?

William Antholis has written: 'Fast forward' -- subject(s): Government policy, Environmental conditions, Global environmental change, Global warming, Environmental policy

Why do you suppose frogs and toads seem to appear suddenly after rain?

i suppose that ffrogs and toads appear after rain because they like the mud and the environmental change

When environmental conditions change it is more likely that at least some members of a species will survive if they?

there is variation among the members.

What would most unpredictably affect an ecosystem?

The introduction of a new invasive species, a sudden change in climate patterns, or a large-scale natural disaster like a wildfire or earthquake could unpredictably affect an ecosystem by disrupting its delicate balance of species interactions and environmental conditions.

What causes a cell to change shape in bacteria?

Cells in bacteria can change shape in response to environmental conditions, nutrient availability, and cell division. Changes in cell shape can be facilitated by the rearrangement of the cytoskeleton, modifications in cell wall synthesis, or alterations in cell surface proteins. These shape changes allow bacteria to adapt to different environments and optimize their growth and survival.