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Q: What process could change the circumference of a tree?
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How could you determine the circumference of a large tree trunk?

Your question presumes that tree trunks are all circular. If you happen to find a circular tree trunk, you would measure around it to find the circumference. If the tree trunk is not circular, you will not be able to find the circumference but, you can measure around it to determine its perimeter.

What is the circumference of the largest apple tree in the US?

twenty feet in circumference

What is the circunference of a redwood tree?

The circumference varies on the tree thickness.

What is the diameter of a tree if the circumference is 17 feet 1 inch?

The formula for the circumference of a tree is Diameter * PI. If the circumference is known, then the diameter is equal to the circumference / PI. In this case, the diameter is equal to 5 foot 5.29 inches.

What is the circumference of a cherry tree?

34 in.

A scientist is studying the effects of a fertilizer on the circumference of tree trunks Which unit of measurement is the most appropriate to measure the circumference of tree trunks?


What is the circumference of a chery tree?

answer it yourself idiots

The circumference of a tree is 7.85ft what is the diameter?

Diameter of the tree is 2.5 feet (7.85 ft/3.1416)

What is the circumference of a Japanese maple tree?

Depends on how big the tree is. Not all trees measure the same.

What is the circumference of a 24 inch tree?

24 inches in diameter? Circumference is pi(d), or in your case a bit over 75 inches.

Is a tree burning to form ashes a physical or chemical change?

The process of a tree burning to form ashes is a chemical change. This is because the chemical composition of the tree is altered as it undergoes combustion, transforming into new substances such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, and ash.

Which unit of measurement is the most appropriate to measure the circumference of tree trunks?
