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i think a large droplet is bigger because they say larger

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Q: How much bigger is an average droplet than a dust particle?
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Related questions

How atmospheric dust particles influence the water cycle?

In order for water droplets to form, it is essential that there is some dust or smog in the air that each water particle can attach to. Once many water particles attach to a dust particle, a droplet is formed, which then comes down as rain. Without a solid particle or smog or dust, rain is not possible.

What do you call a single dust?

A single dust particle is called a "speck" or "particle."

What is the specific gravity of dust particle?

Depends on the dust.

How does atmospheric dust particles influence the water cycle?

Atmospheric dust particles can act as cloud condensation nuclei, providing surfaces for water vapor to condense on and form clouds. They can also impact precipitation patterns by affecting cloud formation and influencing the size and shape of raindrops. Additionally, dust particles can absorb and scatter sunlight, affecting the atmospheric temperature and thus influencing evaporation rates and the overall water cycle.

How is particle used in a sentence?

I have a dust particle lodged in my left eye.

What does dust mean?

A particle of dust

Give features of particle of matter?

Please mention this particle: an atom, a dust particle, a neutron, etc.

What is needed to cause a cloud to rain?

cloud contain large amount of water vapour .The water vapour came to contact with dust particles (size 0.5mm) to form water droplet make it as its nuclie,this processes is called coalescence process . small water droplet combine to form bigger droplets . These droplets fall as rain drop.

Use particle in a sentence?

The dust particle settled on the windowsill after being stirred up by a gust of wind.

What is the exact mass of a dust particle?

The exact mass of a dust particle can vary greatly depending on its size and composition. On average, a typical indoor dust particle might have a mass on the order of micrograms (10^-6 grams), whereas larger particles like sand grains can have masses on the order of milligrams (10^-3 grams) or more.

What is a 4 letter word for dust particle?


What is formula of dust particle?

The formula of a dust particle can vary depending on its composition. Common components of dust particles include silicates, metals, and organic matter. However, there isn't a specific chemical formula for dust particles as they are typically a mixture of various substances.