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The sun is: 865,000 miles in diameter

A Golf ball is: 42.67 mm

(865,000 miles) - (42.67 millimetres) = 1,392,082.56 kilometres

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Q: How much bigger is the sun than a golf ball?
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Which is larger golf ball or ping pong ball?

There isn't a huge difference, but a Golf ball would be marginally bigger. Golf ball sized and ping pong size are mostly used to measure hail sizes. A golf ball is bigger but not by much. Inches. 1 1/2 Ping Pong Ball Size 1 3/4 Golf Ball Size

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A pingpong ball. There much lighter like if i throw them at my head with my shotgun it will not hurt much.

How much does a golf ball weigh in kilograms?

Kilograms is not a useful unit to measure a golf ball. A golf ball must weigh no more than 45.9 grams.

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A football and a golf ball are both faster than a book, even if kicked with the same force. Between a football and a golf ball the winner will be the golf ball, because the football has much more drag.

Is the inertia of a bowling ball the same as a golf ball?

No, the inertia of a bowling ball is greater than that of a golf ball. Inertia is directly related to an object's mass, so the heavier the object, the greater its inertia. The mass of a bowling ball is much larger than that of a golf ball, resulting in greater inertia.

How much bigger is a baseball than a ping pong ball?

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How much more matter is in a golf ball than a ping pong ball?

That really depends but you can get a basic idea by: 1. Stab something through a ping pong ball 2. Attempt to stab something through Golf ball Tell me which has more matter? A ping ball is basically a shell on the outside of golf ball; it has no inside, and golf ball is filled inner material.

Does an English golf ball spin faster than an American golf ball?

No, they are the same ball.

How small are the eggs?

The egg of a chicken can vary. Bantams lay very small eggs - a bit smaller than a golf ball. The standard size egg tends to be a bit bigger than a golf ball, or sometimes the size of two golf balls. Different breeds lay different sizes. Think of a golf ball when thinking of the size of an egg. Their size ranges around there.

Why is a golf ball heavier than a ping-pong ball even though the balls are the same size?

The interior of a ping-pong ball is filled with air, while the interior of a golf ball is made of solid material (rubbers) that are heavier (denser) than air. Thus wile about the same size a golf ball is much heavier than a ping-pong ball.