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Q: How much brighter is a star of 6.3 mag than a 5.3?
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How would you calculate how much brighter a magnitude plus 4 star is than a magnitude plus 7 star?

To calculate the brightness difference between a magnitude +4 star and a magnitude +7 star, you can use the formula: Brightness ratio = 2.512 ^ (m1 - m2), where m1 is the magnitude of the brighter star (+4) and m2 is the magnitude of the fainter star (+7). Substituting the values into the formula, you would find that the magnitude +4 star is approximately 15.85 times brighter than the magnitude +7 star.

What is a first magnitude star called?

The term magnitude is used to define the apparent brightness of an object from Earth. The scale has its origins in the Hellenistic practice of dividing stars, visible to the naked eye into six magnitudes.The brightest stars were said to be of first magnitudewhile the faintest were of sixth magnitude by visual perception.Each magnitude was considered to be twice the brightness of the following grade (a logarithmic scale).Nowadays there are more than six magnitudes and the use of negative values were introduced. So our Sun have an apparent magnitude of -26.73 whilst Uranus is 5.5See related for for information

Is the sun a first mag star?


The brightness of stars as they appear from Earth is measured by magnitude?

Yes, the brightness of stars as seen from Earth is measured using the magnitude scale. The lower the magnitude number, the brighter the star. Magnitude is a logarithmic scale, so each unit increase represents a difference of approximately 2.5 times in brightness.

Buys a mag and pizza the mag costs 2.40less than piz how much pizza cost?

the pizza could be anywhere from 2.40 (the mag is free) to infinity. Not enough information

What is the magnitude of the Pisces?

There are 86 stars in the constellation which appear in the Bayer/Flamsteed catalogues. There are no stars brighter than an apparent magnitude of 3. The brightest are Alrescha and Kullat Nunu (both mag 3.62).

What is the magnitudes stars of Pisces?

There are 86 stars in the constellation which appear in the Bayer/Flamsteed catalogues. There are no stars brighter than an apparent magnitude of 3. The brightest are Alrescha and Kullat Nunu (both mag 3.62).

At what distance would a supernova of absolute magnitude -20 look as bright as the sun?

A star with an absolute magnitude of -20 would need to be about 100 times brighter than the sun. Since brightness decreases with the square of the distance from the observer, the supernova would need to be roughly 10 times closer than the sun, so at a distance of about 15 million kilometers.

Can the oe tech open top m4 m16 mag pouches fit an ak mag?

No. M16/M4/STANAG 4179 magazines are much more compact than AK mags.

What type of star is Gomeisa?

Gomeisa is a B-type main sequence star located in the constellation Canis Minor. It is a hot, blue-white star with a high surface temperature.

What term is used to describe a star's brightness?

It is called Vmag. This is the visual magnitude of the object. Visual magnitude is a scale used by astronomers to measure the brightness of a star or other celestial object. Visual magnitude measures only the visible light from the object. The lower the V-MAG the brighter the star. You can go to to learn more.

Were to get the new binweevils mag?

to get the new binweevils mag it is next to riggs movie star thingy what ever it is called, but i don't know why they don't let us get it?