You already have the amount of cement you need 75lbs so that is your 3 parts cement. 25 + 25 + 25 =75. Now add the 2 parts sand 25 + 25 = 50lbs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find fractional parts. There is a total of 5 parts. 2/5 = .4 is the fractional part of sand and 3/5= .6 is the fractional part of cement. Then .4 x 75 = 30lb is the sand and .6 x 75 = 45lb is the cement. This gives 75lbs of concrete. If you are asking how much sand to add to 75lbs cement the top answer is correct.
9 metre2
Concrete is a mixture of sand, gravel, cement, and water. Generally, you have 1 part cement, 2 parts sand, and 3 parts gravel. Sand makes up about 1/4 or 1/3 of a cubic foot. At 100 pounds per cu ft that is about 25-35 pounds.
how much fencing will be needed to fence a property 6.5 meters long and 3 meters wide?
About 8m^3
13 1/3 cubic yards
according to my books you will need at least 50 bags of 60lbs of cement maybe more but less than 80 bags
1 cement 2 sand 3 gravel
An Average of 2400 kg, with a ratio of 1:3 Cement and Sand
Approximately 5bags of cement are in 1 cu.m concrete ratio 1:3:6 with 20mm aggregate, water-cement ratio 0.5.
You already have the amount of cement you need 75lbs so that is your 3 parts cement. 25 + 25 + 25 =75. Now add the 2 parts sand 25 + 25 = 50lbs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find fractional parts. There is a total of 5 parts. 2/5 = .4 is the fractional part of sand and 3/5= .6 is the fractional part of cement. Then .4 x 75 = 30lb is the sand and .6 x 75 = 45lb is the cement. This gives 75lbs of concrete. If you are asking how much sand to add to 75lbs cement the top answer is correct.
9 metre2
A 3-gallon bucket of cement typically weighs between 40 to 100 pounds, depending on the type of cement mix being used and its water content.
Typically you would need about 30% more type I cement to attain the same early strength gain as Type III cement.
Concrete is a mixture of sand, gravel, cement, and water. Generally, you have 1 part cement, 2 parts sand, and 3 parts gravel. Sand makes up about 1/4 or 1/3 of a cubic foot. At 100 pounds per cu ft that is about 25-35 pounds.