

How much cm r in 1 dm?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: How much cm r in 1 dm?
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Assuming the pipe is circular in profile, then it makes the shape a cylinder. Hence volume (cyl) = pi r^2 h pi = 3.141592..... r = 26 mm = 2.6 cm h = 1.0 = 100 cm Hence substiting. V(cyl) = 3.131592... (2.6)^2 x 100 V = 2123.716634 cm^3 = There being 1000 cm^2 in 1 litre (1 dm^3) Hence vol = 2.123716634 L V =~ 2.12 L is the amount of water in the pipe.

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A=Pirh 550cm = Pi (r) 24cm 550/ Pi (24) = r r = 7.3 cm V= 1/3 Pi r^2 h V= 1/3 Pi (7.3)^2 (24) V= 1339.32cm^3

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gosh how old r ya? it's 100cm's

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The formula for finding the volume of a cone is 1/3(pi)(r)(r)(h) where r is the radius and his the height, or in your case, 1/3(B)(h) where B is the area of the base and h is the height since part of the original formula is finding the base area [(pi)(r)(r)]. Plug your measurements into your calculator and you get 76 2/3 pi square cm, or 240.7 square cm.

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The main thing to understand in a problem like this is that the water that is removed formed a cylinder before it was removed. So we had a cylinder with a volume of 3 litres. The volume of a cylinder is given by the formula: V = pi * h * r * r If we blindly put in our facts we get: 3 litres = pi * 10 cm * r cm * r cm There's a problem because we have different units on either side of the equation. This is easily put right because we know that a litre is 1000 cubic centimetres. 3000 cm * cm * cm = pi * 10 cm * r cm * r cm We can 'cancel' the units out on both sides now. 3000 = pi * 10 * r * r and solve for r r = sqrt ( 3000 / ( 10 * pi ) )

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