540 square feet
It depends how thick the gravel is being laid - at 4 inches thick, a cubic yard will cover 81 square feet.
It will cover 174 square feet of area.Hope this helps
It depends on how thick you want the concrete.
If it is 4 inches deep/thick, 2 cubic yards. If it is 6 inches deep/thick, 3 cubic yards.
12.5 cubic feet. Assuming you meant 4 INCHES thick..
54sqare feet
14.81 yds
30.81 cubic yards
540 square feet
A 9x9 foot slab 4 inches thick requires a minimum of 1 cubic yard. If you go to 6 inches thick you will need 1.5 cubic yards.
It depends how thick the gravel is being laid - at 4 inches thick, a cubic yard will cover 81 square feet.
you can do the math: LXWXD DIVIDED BY 27
It will cover 174 square feet of area.Hope this helps